by sim1koh2 | Aug 7, 2018 | Colorado DUI Laws, DUI, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Nearly everyone knows someone with a sleeping disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea. In the case of insomnia, it can be especially devastating for a person’s ability to keep a regular schedule, go to work, cook meals, and take care of children and even...
by sim1koh2 | Sep 22, 2017 | DUI Costs, DUI Penalties, DUID FAQs, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Locals and visitors alike have many questions about being legal and driving high in Colorado Springs and driving with marijuana in the car. Our Colorado Springs DUI lawyer is extremely knowledgeable about Colorado laws as they relate to cannabis and stay...
by sim1koh2 | Jul 12, 2017 | DUI, DUI News, DUI Stops, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Driving stoned or under the influence of marijuana (DUID) in Colorado is illegal – just as driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is against the law. And while authorities across the state are focused on arresting all impaired drivers, the latest...
by sim1koh2 | Feb 29, 2016 | DUI, DUI Stops, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Cracking down on drunk and drugged drivers is a top priority for Colorado’s law enforcement agencies. That’s because authorities are focused on preventing crashes, injuries and deaths, all of which are more likely to occur when motorists are...
by sim1koh2 | Feb 15, 2016 | Criminal Justice News, DUI News, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Have you ever people claim to be better drivers after having a few drinks and/or using marijuana? Or have you (or someone you know) ever jumped behind the wheel when buzzed, thinking that you were perfectly fine to drive? While these claims/habits are by...
by sim1koh2 | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog, Colorado DUI Laws, DUI, DUI Penalties, Marijuana DUIs
Call Us Now! Ending our blog series Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know, below, we will reveal a few more crucial things you should be aware of when it comes to criminal statutes pertaining to driving and marijuana intoxication. Additional Important Info...