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What Happens after a DUI Arrest in Colorado?

A DUI arrest can leave you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and possibly even scared. If you know what to expect from the legal and administrative processes that usually follow a DUI arrest, however, you can start figuring out your options for defending yourself and...

CDOT Sees Decline in DUI Arrests Since 2015

Every year in Colorado, law enforcement authorities across the state ban together to crack down on impaired drivers over at least 12 heightened DUI enforcement periods that make up CDOT’s The Heat Is On campaign. Focused on targeting impaired driving on certain...

Is There a Lookback Period for Colorado DUIs?

Is There a Lookback Period for Colorado DUIs?

No, there is not a strict or specific lookback or washout period for DUIs in Colorado. This effectively means that any DUI conviction incurred in Colorado over the course of a lifetime could be relevant in terms of future DUI cases and their potential penalties. What...

Can I Refuse BAC Testing in DUI Stops?

Motorists in Colorado can refuse to submit to blood alcohol content (BAC) tests during DUI stops. If they do, however, they will be subject to some automatic penalties, regardless of whether they are charged with or acquitted of the drunk driving offense in the...

Common Signs of Impairment by BAC Level

As alcohol is consumed and blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) can rise, people can start to display certain signs of impairment, some more subtle than others. Knowing these signs of impairment can be crucial to recognizing when it’s time to let someone else who is...

Top 10 Counties in Colorado with the Most DUI Arrests in 2014

Although all Colorado authorities are focused on arresting drivers suspected of impairment, these efforts are generating far more arrests in some regions of the state. In fact, an analysis of Judicial County data from 2014 has revealed that the following counties are...

What Is Implied Consent in a DUI Stop?

Implied consent or express consent refers to the legal obligation conferred on motorists if or when they are suspected of impaired driving. Per the implied consent law in Colorado, all drivers have automatically and implicitly already consented to submit blood alcohol...