Colorado Springs Criminal Defense & Family Law Blog
Top Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Lawyer Shimon Kohn specializes in drug crimes, sexual crimes, DUI, Domestic Violence, Felonies of almost any kind, and misdemeanor crimes.
Family Law – We offer experienced representation in divorce, child support, restraining orders, and other types of family law.
Don’t go without a great Colorado Springs Criminal attorney or Family Attorney who has defended thousands of cases – successfully. Get your free Case Review and talk with an experienced Criminal Attorney now!
6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops (Pt. 3)
Ending our blog series 6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops, here, we will reveal some final crucial facts to know about these types of traffic stops. More Crucial Facts You May Want to Know about DUI Stops Fact 5 – Whether or not you end up having a...
6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops (Pt. 2)
Continuing from 6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops (Pt. 1), here, we will resume this discussion, pointing out a few more important things that you may want to know about drunk driving traffic stops. DUI Stops: More Important Info Fact 3 – If police...
6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops (Pt. 1)
Talking to police officers can be an unnerving experience, especially when you may be suspected of drunk driving or some other crime. While you may feel, however, that you have no control or power in these situations, being informed about what...
7 Colorado DUI Myths Debunked – Part 2
7 Colorado DUI Myths Debunked - Part 2Resuming The 7 Colorado DUI Myths Debunked (Pt. 1), here, we will continue revealing the truth behind some of the most common Colorado DUI myths in Colorado DUI Myths - Part 2. Colorado DUI Myths - Part 2...
Jury Selection Begins in Long-Awaited Aurora Theater Shooting Case
After nearly three years, jury selection in the Aurora theater shooting case against James Holmes is set to get underway today. The current jury pool includes about 9,000 potential jurors who, in a series of pre-selected groups, will come to the...
Air Force Cadet Charged with Sexual Assault, Three Felonies
A 21-year-old U.S. Air Force cadet is currently facing felony sexual assault charges, as well as two other felony charges, for allegedly raping another cadet last year in Boulder County. According to the police report associated with this case, the...
How to Get Evidence Thrown Out of Court (Pt. 2)
Resuming How to Get Evidence Thrown Out of Court (Pt. 1). Equally important, we will continue to point out some of the more effective arguments that may be used to try to get a judge to deem the prosecutor’s evidence inadmissible in a given case....
How to Get Evidence Thrown Out of Court (Pt. 1)
Get Evidence Thrown Out Of Court - It's Possible! When building and presenting a criminal defense case, one of the most effective strategies for strengthening the defense (and simultaneously weakening the prosecutor’s case) can be to get evidence...
5 Ways to Avoid Getting a Holiday DUI (Pt. 2)
Continuing from 5 Ways to Avoid Getting a Holiday DUI (Pt. 1), below we will point out some more things you can do to avoid putting yourself in the position of being suspected of drunk driving this holiday season – or ever. More Things to Do to...
5 Ways to Avoid Getting a Holiday DUI (Pt. 1)
Christmas and New Years are fun, festive times when people tend to celebrate with their friends and/or family by throwing parties. If you’ll be celebrating the holidays at a party and you plan on drinking alcohol, knowing what to do in order to...
Probable Cause: FAQs (Pt. 3)
Here, we will wrap up our three-part blog series Probable Cause: FAQs, responding to some additional questions regarding probable cause. Q – What is probable cause to seize someone’s property? A – In general, probable cause to seize someone’s...
Probable Cause: FAQs (Pt. 2)
Picking up from where Probable Cause: FAQs (Pt. 1) left off, below, we will continue to respond to frequently asked questions about probable cause and the criminal justice system. Q – What is probable cause to make an arrest? A – Probable cause to...
Probable Cause: FAQs (Pt. 1)
Probable cause is a legal standard that is critical to the arrest process, as well as the criminal justice system. Despite its key role in many criminal cases, however, probable cause may not be a clear concept to people accused of crimes – and it...
6 Things that Can Impact the Reliability of Eye Witness Testimony (Pt. 3)
Here is the conclusion to our three-part blog series 6 Things that Can Impact the Reliability of Eye Witness Testimony. Additional Factors That Can Affect the Accuracy of Eye Witness Testimony 5. The presence of a weapon or multiple suspects When...
6 Things that Can Impact the Reliability of Eye Witness Testimony (Pt. 2)
Resuming 6 Things that Can Impact the Reliability of Eye Witness Testimony (Pt. 1), here, we will continue our discussion regarding some of the specific factors that can negatively affect the accuracy of eye witness testimony in criminal cases....
6 Things that Can Impact the Reliability of Eye Witness Testimony (Pt. 1)
Eyewitness testimony can be some of the most compelling evidence in a criminal case, particularly if the case goes to trial and there are multiple eyewitnesses with the same or similar stories. Despite the persuasive nature of eyewitness testimony,...
Colorado Domestic Violence Cases: 7 Important Facts to Know (Pt. 3)
Concluding our three-part blog series Colorado Domestic Violence Cases: 7 Important Facts to Know (Pt. 1), below are a few final important facts to know about these types of criminal cases. Fact 5 – When Colorado domestic violence cases result in...
Colorado Domestic Violence Cases: 7 Important Facts to Know (Pt. 2)
Picking up from where Colorado Domestic Violence Cases: 7 Important Facts to Know (Pt. 1) left off, here, we will point a few more important facts to know about these types of criminal cases. Fact 3 – Alleged victims can’t end Colorado DV cases by...
Colorado Domestic Violence Cases: 7 Important Facts to Know (Pt. 1)
While it’s no surprise that domestic violence charges are serious, these cases have some unique facets that don’t necessarily arise in other types of criminal cases and that accused people may not be aware of when they are dealing with Colorado...
Should You Testify in Your Defense? Here’s What to Consider (Pt. 3)
Wrapping up our three-part blog series Should You Testify in Your Defense? Here’s What to Consider, below we will pose some final questions that you may want to ask yourself as you make the critical decision regarding whether or not to take the...
Should You Testify in Your Defense? Here’s What to Consider (Pt. 2)
Picking up from where we left off in Should You Testify in Your Defense? Here’s What to Consider (Pt. 1), below are some more important questions to ask yourself when deciding whether to take the witness stand in your defense case. To Testify or...
Should You Testify in Your Defense? Here’s What to Consider (Pt. 1)
When facing serious criminal charges, you as the defendant have various rights, including the right to a trial and the right to testify in your defense. While many criminal cases are resolved prior to a trial, if a trial does end up taking place,...
DUI Checkpoints FAQ: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1)
DUI Checkpoints FAQ: 6 Facts to KnowDUI Checkpoints FAQ Arresting people for drunk driving (DUI) is not just a way for police to try to keep the roads safe – it’s also a really big money maker for cities and counties (particularly if people are...
FAQs about Filing Criminal Appeals (Pt. 3)
Wrapping up our blog series FAQs about Filing Criminal Appeals, below we will respond to some final questions that commonly arise when people may be considering filing criminal appeals in Colorado. Q – What happens when convicted people win their...
FAQs about Filing Criminal Appeals (Pt. 2)
Picking up from where we left off in FAQs about Filing Criminal Appeals (Pt. 1), below, we will continue responding to some common questions that arise when people are considering moving forward with criminal appeals. Q – When can criminal appeals...
Filing Criminal Appeals FAQ Part 1
Although a criminal conviction can be as defeating as it may be disheartening, people convicted of crimes should know that they may have the chance to appeal their convictions in some cases. In fact, the criminal appeals process has been set up to...
Colorado Felony & Misdemeanor Crimes: Classes and Sentences (Pt. 2)
Picking up where Colorado Felony & Misdemeanor Crimes: Classes and Sentences (Pt. 1) left off, below, we will continue to provide an overview of the criminal classes and related range of penalties based on Colorado criminal law. While the first...
Felony & Misdemeanor Crimes Part 1
While many people may be aware that felony criminal charges are far more severe than misdemeanor criminal charges, they are likely less familiar with what the specific felony or misdemeanor classes are and what range of penalties they are...
Colorado Sex Offender Registry Requirements: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 3)
Here is the conclusion to our blog series Colorado Sex Offender Registry Requirements: 6 Facts to Know. If you need assistance requesting removal from the Colorado sex offender registry or you need help mounting a strong defense against sex crimes...
Colorado Sex Offender Registry Requirements: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 2)
Continuing from where Colorado Sex Offender Registry Requirements: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1) left off, below we will continue discussing some important facts that people should know when it comes to registering as a Colorado sex offender. More Facts...
Colorado Sex Offender Registry Requirements: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1)
If you are facing Sexual Assault charges, please call us. We can help you. The Colorado sex offender registry is essentially a database that retains details about people who have been convicted of certain sex offenses in Colorado Springs. When...
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Defense to Public Defenders (Pt. 3)
Wrapping up our three-part blog series Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Defense to Public Defenders, below we will offer some final thoughts on public defenders and how they can impact the strength of your defense case. What You Need to Know about...
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Defense to Public Defenders (Pt. 2)
Continuing from Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Defense to Public Defenders (Pt. 1), below are some more reasons that you may be taking a dangerous gamble when you entrust your defense case to public defenders (instead of hiring an experienced private...
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Defense to Public Defenders (Pt. 1)
Should You Trust A Public Defender For Your Defense? Public defender - your best choice if accused of a crime? Facing criminal charges can be both psychologically and financially stressful, particularly when people are confronting the possibility...