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Probation Violation in Colorado Springs [Quick Guide]

A probation violation could be the difference between jail time and freedom.

First-time offenders in Colorado are frequently given the option of probation as a compromise, which spares them from any potential jail or prison sentence in exchange for weekly or monthly monitoring. For instance, some common terms of probation include payment of fees, abstaining from drugs, rehabilitation, community services, and others.

It is possible to skip a probation officer appointment, use drugs or alcohol, or skip out on community service. In addition, this may violate the terms of your probation, meaning you might have violated your probation terms. If you violate the conditions of your probation, law enforcement may pursue you.

Probation Terms

A Probation term in Colorado is beneficial in many ways. The most obvious one is that when someone is put on probation, they are frequently given a chance to avoid jail time and live a pretty normal life—as long as they agree to adhere to specific probationary requirements. Similarly, these requirements, which can be very restrictive, may range from not committing any new offenses to attending frequent sessions with a probation officer.

If you think probation terms are difficult, the repercussions of breaking your probation terms could be considerably more severe. In addition, you could risk a lengthy jail sentence, steep fines, community service, and rehabilitation.

Have You Violated Your Probation?

Having said that, it is crucial to get in touch with Shimon Kohn, a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer in Colorado Springs, as soon as you realize you have broken the conditions of your probation. Above all, If you’re charged with a probation violation in Colorado Springs, you risk your freedom (however restrictive it may be under probation).

Even worse, the chance of proving to the court that you can abide by the terms of your probation will fly out the window, leaving you back to square one.

The State may accuse you of violating your probation if one or more of the following circumstances arises:

• The probation officer misunderstands your conduct or your intentions.
• You picked up additional charges while on probation.
• Failed a drug test.
• Left a specific area.
• Met or were around persons you shouldn’t have been around.
• Did not fulfill some of the conditions of your probation.
• Missed a court appearance.

What Would Happen if I Were Found to Have A Probation Violation?

Your probation officer has two options if you break the terms of your probation: they either give you a warning or make you appear in court. An officer may consider the severity, type of violation, and number of prior warnings when choosing between the two penalties. If you’re summoned to court, your probation officer may recommend a form of punishment, which frequently includes incarceration.

Need Assistance After Violating Your Probation?

Are you concerned that you may have unknowingly violated your probation? Perhaps have already been accused of doing so and police are looking for you?

If that’s the case, you should get in touch with The Kohn Law Firm immediately.

The repercussions of violating your probation might range from additional probationary terms or penalties to jail time. When so much is at stake, you need someone fighting by your side to protect your rights. Let us help you if you are accused of violating your probation.


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