Colorado Springs Criminal Defense & Family Law Blog
Top Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Lawyer Shimon Kohn specializes in drug crimes, sexual crimes, DUI, Domestic Violence, Felonies of almost any kind, and misdemeanor crimes.
Family Law – We offer experienced representation in divorce, child support, restraining orders, and other types of family law.
Don’t go without a great Colorado Springs Criminal attorney or Family Attorney who has defended thousands of cases – successfully. Get your free Case Review and talk with an experienced Criminal Attorney now!
What Is The Colorado Sex Offender Registry?
What Is The Colorado Sex Offender Registry? The Colorado Sex Offender Registry is a state-maintained database that provides information about individuals convicted of sex offenses and certain other crimes. It is a part of Colorado's effort to...
How To Fight False Domestic Violence Charges
How To Fight False Domestic Violence ChargesFight False Domestic Violence Charges? It's Possible. To Fight false domestic violence charges, the battle can be highly distressing and challenging, particularly due to the serious social and legal...
Modify Child Support In Colorado
Modify Child Support In ColoradoModify Child Support in Colorado: A Comprehensive Guide Child support modification in Colorado is a legal process that allows for adjustments to existing child support orders to reflect changes in circumstances....
What Are Second DUI Penalties In Colorado?
What Are Second DUI Penalties In Colorado?In Colorado, second DUI penalties for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offense are notably more severe than those for a first offense. This reflects the state's stance on repeat DUI offenses as a serious...
Challenging A First Time DUI In Colorado
DUI Lawyer: Challenging A First Time DUI In ColoradoChallenging a First-Time DUI in Colorado: A Comprehensive Guide A first-time DUI charge in Colorado can have serious repercussions, including fines, license suspension, and a criminal record....
What Is An Interlock Restricted Driver’s License In Colorado?
What Is An Interlock Restricted Driver's License In Colorado?Interlock Restricted Driver's License - Proving You're Sober Every Time You Drive An interlock-restricted driver's license in Colorado is a specific type of driver's license that is...
DUI Checkpoints: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 2)
DUI Checkpoints - Part 2Resuming DUI Checkpoints: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1), here, we will pick up our discussion of some important facts about sobriety checkpoints. More Important Facts about DUI Checkpoints… Fact 3 – Police must have a...
Field Sobriety Test For DUI
What Is A Field Sobriety Test In Colorado?Field Sobriety Test In Colorado Let's face the fact - you really do not want to get pulled over by the police as a suspect for driving erratically after having a few drinks. A DUI conviction will wreak...
What Happens During A Legal Hearing In Colorado?
What Happens During A Legal Hearing In Colorado? A legal hearing in Colorado, as in other jurisdictions, is a critical component of the judicial process, providing a formal setting in which disputes can be presented, evidence can be examined, and...
Blood Alcohol Content Level Regulations in Colorado
Blood Alcohol Content Level Regulations In ColoradoWhat Are The Rules For Blood Alcohol Content In Colorado? In the state of Colorado, as in all states across the United States, there are established blood alcohol content (BAC) limits for drivers...
Marijuana Penalties In Colorado
Marijuana Penalties In ColoradoMarijuana Penalties In Colorado, the legalization of marijuana through Amendment 64 in 2012 marked a significant shift in the state's approach to marijuana regulation. The amendment allowed for the personal use and...
How A Criminal Investigation Helps Our Clients
How A Criminal Investigation Helps Our ClientsA Criminal Investigation Is A Crucial Part Of Criminal Defense The criminal investigation process in criminal defense is a critical aspect of legal representation and plays a central role in building an...
Statute Of Limitations in Colorado
Statute of Limitations In ColoradoIn Colorado, as in other states, the statute of limitations establishes the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. When it comes to criminal cases, these time limits can vary...
Colorado’s Concealed Carry Laws & Penalties
Colorado's Concealed Carry Laws & PenaltiesColorado's Concealed Carry Laws Explained Colorado's concealed carry laws govern the possession and carrying of a concealed firearm. These laws are designed to balance the right to bear arms with...
Plea Bargains – How Do They Work?
Plea Bargains - How Do They Work? Plea Bargains Plea bargaining is a significant part of the criminal justice system in Colorado, as it is in many other states in the United States. A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case between the...
What Are Some Types Of Weapons Charges In Colorado?
What Are Some Types Of Weapons Charges In Colorado?Weapons Charges In Colorado Are Serious In Colorado, weapons charges encompass a range of offenses related to the unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of firearms and other weapons. The...
How Lawyers Can Get Legal Cases Dismissed
How Lawyers Can Get Legal Cases DismissedGet Legal Cases Dismissed - Options But No Guarantees Getting legal cases dismissed is loosely defined as the termination of the case before a verdict is rendered. The process to get legal cases dismissed...
Involuntary Manslaughter VS. Voluntary Manslaughter
Involuntary Manslaughter VS. Voluntary Manslaughter Involuntary Manslaughter VS. Voluntary Manslaughter - What's The Difference? In Colorado, the criminal charges of involuntary manslaughter and voluntary manslaughter are differentiated primarily...
Removed From The Colorado Sex Offender Registry
Removed From The Colorado Sex Offender Registry? Being on Colorado's Sexual Offender Registry will place severe limitations on your choices in employment and housing, among other things. Starting with the conviction of a sexual crime in Colorado,...
How A Domestic Violence Conviction Can Affect Your Life
How A Domestic Violence Conviction Can Affect Your Life A domestic violence conviction can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the legal penalties such as imprisonment, fines, or probation. These impacts can affect various aspects of...
How Child Support Works In Colorado
How Child Support Works In Colorado How child support works in Colorado is governed by state laws and guidelines designed to ensure that children receive financial support from both of their parents, even if the parents are separated or divorced....
What Happens At A Preliminary Hearing For Domestic Violence?
Preliminary Hearing For Domestic ViolenceIn Colorado, a preliminary hearing for domestic violence is a critical legal proceeding that occurs early in a criminal case involving allegations of domestic violence. It serves several important purposes...
Underage DUI in Colorado: The Charges & Penalties (Pt. 1)
Underage DUIWhen people who are under the legal drinking age of 21 are arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol (or drugs), they can be charged with Underage Drinking and Driving (UDD) also known as underage DUI. Although the...
DUI Classes
What Are DUI Classes?In Colorado, DUI classes are educational programs designed for individuals who have been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI). These classes are typically required as part of...
4 DUI Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
4 DUI Mistakes You Should Not Make!When you are stopped for or charged with a DUI, don’t make these mistakes because they could hurt a future defense case, a Colorado Springs DUI lawyer explains. When you are stopped for allegedly driving drunk or...
DUI FAQ – When Facing DUI Charges (Pt. 1)
DUI FAQ - When Facing DUI Charges (Pt. 1)DUI charges can undoubtedly be stressful and scary, especially for people who have never really dealt with the criminal justice system before. In this two-part blog, we will answer some of the most...
Arrest Warrants
How Do Arrest Warrants Work In Colorado?In Colorado, arrest warrants are issued by a judge or magistrate when there is probable cause to believe that an individual has committed a crime. If you have found yourself on the wrong side of the law with...
How Do Colorado’s Mandatory Arrest Laws Work?
How Do Colorado's Mandatory Arrest Laws Work?Colorado Has No Mandatory Arrest Laws, But... Colorado does not have specific "mandatory arrest laws" in the context of drug offenses. However, there are laws that require or authorize law enforcement...
Sex Offender Deregistration
Sex Offender DeregistrationSex Offender Deregistration In Colorado? For those who have been convicted of a sex offense, the legal system in Colorado can be unforgiving. Even after serving their time, you may be required to register as a sex...
Criminal Defense Lawyer
So, What Does A Criminal Defense Lawyer Do? A criminal defense lawyer, also known as a criminal lawyer or a defense attorney, is a legal professional who specializes in representing individuals or organizations accused of committing criminal...
Can You Get Domestic Violence Charges Dropped In Colorado?
If you are facing domestic violence charges in Colorado, it is important to understand that the legal process can be complex and challenging. While there is no guaranteed way to have domestic violence charges dropped, there are some steps you can...
What Is A Wobbler Crime?
What is a Wobbler Crime? The "Colorado Wobbler Law" is not a legal term that is legally recognized in Colorado law, but it is a Colorado Statute. The term "wobbler crime" is sometimes used to refer to a criminal offense that isn't really a felony...
Civil Law Vs. Criminal Law
In the fields of civil and criminal law, there are many similarities and many differences. Both areas of law are created to encourage good behavior and to penalize those who don't follow social norms, and established laws or act ethically. However,...
Ignition Interlock Device
Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or drugs in Colorado can lead to serious consequences. Among the penalties for DUI/DWAI may be the mandatory setting up an Ignition Interlock Device (IID), which is essentially a breathalyzer connected...
Can I Get DUI Charges Dropped?
If you are facing DUI charges in Colorado, you might be wondering whether there is a way you can get these charges dropped. Depending on the details of your case, it may be difficult, however, working with the right Colorado Springs DUI attorney...
Colorado DUI Myths Debunked (Part 1)
DUI charges can be as overwhelming as they may be stressful, and if you are facing DUI charges for the first time, it can be easy to be misguided by some common Colorado DUI myths. To combat this misinformation and uncover the truth, in this...
DUI Attorney Questions
Choosing a DUI Attorney—Know What DUI Attorney Questions to Ask When searching for a Colorado Springs DUI attorney, you will probably talk with a few local lawyers and law firms in Colorado Springs before you actually hire one. We've put together a...
What Are Bail Bonds?
After being arrested, you will be taken before a judge who will address the topic of bond. Typically, you will receive a public defender if you have not retained a Colorado Springs criminal lawyer. Nevertheless, it would be a better idea to retain...
Your Miranda Rights
It’s important to know what your Miranda Rights are. Many US citizens are not aware of what their Miranda rights constitute and when these rights are applied. Below, I will be going over what Miranda Rights are defined by, when they apply, and how...
Can Medical Marijuana for Sleeping Aid Cause A DUI?
Nearly everyone knows someone with a sleeping disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea. In the case of insomnia, it can be especially devastating for a person’s ability to keep a regular schedule, go to work, cook meals, and take care of children and...
#MeToo & #TimesUp Movements Shine Light On Sexual Harassment
The jig is up, as they say, for those who may stand accused of sexual harassment in the workplace. That’s because the whole #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have emboldened victims of workplace sexual harassment and even sexual assaults to come...
How to Get a DUI Driving Something Other Than a Car, Truck
No one wants to get a DUI, in fact some people have gone to great lengths to make sure they weren’t drinking and driving their own motor vehicle when they had a few too many drinks at a friend’s house, or their favorite watering hole. Only problem...
Driving High in Colorado Springs
Locals and visitors alike have many questions about being legal and driving high in Colorado Springs and driving with marijuana in the car. Our Colorado Springs DUI lawyer is extremely knowledgeable about Colorado laws as they relate to cannabis...
DUI, Hit-and-Run Suspect Charged with Fatality
Have you ever wondered how much trouble getting a citation for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) would be? How about compounding that traffic offense with a serious injury to an innocent victim – can you imagine the level of despair that...
Pot DUI Arrests in Colorado Drop Slightly in 2015, CSP Announces
Driving stoned or under the influence of marijuana (DUID) in Colorado is illegal – just as driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is against the law. And while authorities across the state are focused on arresting all impaired drivers, the...
Habitual Offender Receives 10th DUI in Colorado, Surprised to Face Felony DUI Charges
Although the new Colorado felony DUI law took effect last August, some drivers in the state have only recently become aware of it - and, unfortunately, this awareness has often been triggered by a new DUI arrest. One noteworthy example of this...
Students May Face Felony for Sexting
It boggles the mind what children are capable of these day. Back in the day, when this humble criminal defense attorney was in school and had I wanted to pass a secret message on to another classmate that I crush on, we typically had to write it in...
Woman Set for Trail in Fatal DUI Crash | Colorado Springs DUI Attorney
A woman who pleaded not guilty on Monday, April 4, 2016, to charges of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and vehicular homicide will stand trial beginning August 30, 2016. Cassandra Griffin, 25, is accused of driving her Jeep Cherokee...
State Rep Pens 2 Felony Bills
Two bills currently making their way through the State Senate could soon change the way some felony cases are prosecuted in Colorado. If passed into law, these bills, penned by State Representative Catherine “Kit” Roupe for House District 17, would...
Impaired Driving Trends in the U.S. Revealed by Two New Federal Studies
Colorado Springs DUI - Federal Studies Even though The Kohn Law Firm focuses on Colorado Springs DUI cases, we thought you'd be interested in the following information The Data Two studies recently released by US federal authorities reveal some...
Is Ridesharing Reducing DUI Accidents in Colorado?
Ridesharing, a relatively new transportation method in the U.S., has been credited with cutting down on the number of accidents and, consequently, saving lives. A recent study conducted by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Uber Technologies,...
Colorado Felony DUI Law: A Wake Up Call to the Harsh Impacts of Multiple DUI Convictions
A lot has changed over the last few decades in regards to DUI laws and enforcement - both in Colorado and across the nation. In fact, while law enforcement officials may have been inclined to overlook impaired driving or even help impaired drivers...
When Do Zero Tolerance Laws Apply in Colorado?
Licensed drivers are required to obey a litany of laws when they get behind the wheel. While some of these laws dictate how to operate vehicles, others pertain to when drivers can and legally cannot operate vehicles. And in terms of operational...
Are Pot Clubs DUI Hotspots?
Cracking down on drunk and drugged drivers is a top priority for Colorado’s law enforcement agencies. That's because authorities are focused on preventing crashes, injuries and deaths, all of which are more likely to occur when motorists are...
Simulator Study Tests Drivers’ Abilities When Impaired by Alcohol & Pot
Have you ever people claim to be better drivers after having a few drinks and/or using marijuana? Or have you (or someone you know) ever jumped behind the wheel when buzzed, thinking that you were perfectly fine to drive? While these...
What Happens after a DUI Arrest in Colorado?
A DUI arrest can leave you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and possibly even scared. If you know what to expect from the legal and administrative processes that usually follow a DUI arrest, however, you can start figuring out your options for...
CDOT Sees Decline in DUI Arrests Since 2015
Every year in Colorado, law enforcement authorities across the state ban together to crack down on impaired drivers over at least 12 heightened DUI enforcement periods that make up CDOT’s The Heat Is On campaign. Focused on targeting impaired...
Is There a Lookback Period for Colorado DUIs?
No, there is not a strict or specific lookback or washout period for DUIs in Colorado. This effectively means that any DUI conviction incurred in Colorado over the course of a lifetime could be relevant in terms of future DUI cases and their...
Can I Refuse BAC Testing in DUI Stops?
Motorists in Colorado can refuse to submit to blood alcohol content (BAC) tests during DUI stops. If they do, however, they will be subject to some automatic penalties, regardless of whether they are charged with or acquitted of the drunk driving...
Common Signs of Impairment by BAC Level
As alcohol is consumed and blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) can rise, people can start to display certain signs of impairment, some more subtle than others. Knowing these signs of impairment can be crucial to recognizing when it’s time to let...
Top 10 Counties in Colorado with the Most DUI Arrests in 2014
Although all Colorado authorities are focused on arresting drivers suspected of impairment, these efforts are generating far more arrests in some regions of the state. In fact, an analysis of Judicial County data from 2014 has revealed that the...
5 Important Facts to Know about DMV Hearings after DUI Arrests
DUI arrests in Colorado generally result in two cases against the motorist accused of impaired driving: the criminal case, which the courts will handle, and the administrative case, which the Colorado DMV will oversee. Given that these two cases...
What Is Implied Consent in a DUI Stop?
Implied consent or express consent refers to the legal obligation conferred on motorists if or when they are suspected of impaired driving. Per the implied consent law in Colorado, all drivers have automatically and implicitly already consented to...
Upcoming 2015 DUI Enforcement Campaigns in Colorado
Although the end of 2015 is fast approaching, Colorado authorities still have a few statewide DUI campaigns planned for the month of December, according to officials at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). And these DUI enforcement...
DUI News: CO Authorities Turn Up The Heat on Drunk Drivers Through Thanksgiving Weekend
In an ongoing effort to crackdown on impaired drivers in Colorado, authorities across the state are once again gearing up to run heightened DUI patrols starting tomorrow and running through Thanksgiving weekend. And this year, authorities are...
Top 5 States with the Harshest – & Most Lenient – DUI Laws in the U.S.
DUI laws and penalties across the U.S. have been getting increasingly harsher over the past few decades as lawmakers and other authorities remain focused on preventing drunk driving. Not all DUI laws are created equally, however, as some states...
DUI Penalties: FAQs about Alcohol Education Classes
When DUI arrests end in conviction, various penalties can be imposed on the convicted individual, including court-ordered alcohol education classes. Although people tend to be more focused on penalties like jail and court fines, the alcohol...
4 Harmful Myths about DUI Charges in Colorado
Believing the myths about DUI charges in Colorado can cause people facing these charges to inadvertently compromise their rights or make other mistakes that could hurt a future defense case. To make sure you don’t operate on any potentially harmful...
3 Crucial Facts to Know about Out-of-State DUIs
Getting arrested for a DUI at any point can be upsetting. When, however, you get arrested in a state you don’t live in, the thought of dealing with an out-of-state criminal case can be as distressing as it may be scary or overwhelming. To help...
How Long Will a DUI Stay on My Record?
In Colorado, if you are convicted of a DUI offense, that conviction will remain on your criminal record indefinitely. In other words, it can end up following you around forever. What the impacts of having a DUI record can be, however, will depend...
Colorado DUI Crackdown Now Underway, Will Run through Oct. 26th
Fall DUI enforcement efforts are currently underway in Colorado, as the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and local law enforcement agencies throughout the state kicked off the fall The Heat Is On campaign last month. Running through Monday Oct....
FAQs about DUI Police Reports: What You Should Know
In DUI cases, police reports – along with BAC test results – can be some of the most important pieces of evidence. To elucidate just why this is, below, we will answer some commonly asked questions about police reports for DUI stops and cases. If,...
3 Ways You Can Get a DUI When NOT Driving a Car
DUI charges often arise when motorists are accused of driving while they are allegedly impaired by alcohol and/or drugs. However, Colorado laws allow for people to be charged with DUI even if they are not driving, and below, we’ll point out when...
Should I Plead Guilty to DUI Charges?
As experienced DUI defense attorneys, we hear this question a lot. After all, it can be easy to feel like you don’t have a lot of options when you are facing drunk driving charges and two impending DUI cases (one with the court and another with the...
Beware Drivers: Colorado Labor Day DUI Crackdown Now in Effect
As people across the U.S. gear up for festive Labor Day celebrations, law enforcement agencies across Colorado are already focused on cracking down on drunk drivers. As part of CDOT’s The Heat Is On campaign, the 2015 Labor Day DUI enforcement...
DUI News: NY Cop Hits Sober Motorist, Tries to Frame Him for DUI
A DUI arrest that occurred in New York back in April is now making national headlines, as the motorist charged with drunk driving was reportedly framed by a law enforcement official who had broken the law. According to court documents associated...
Felony DUI Law Now in Effect in Colorado
If you are arrested for a fourth drunk driving offense in Colorado, you can face felony charges, as Colorado felony DUI law officially declares. According to the provisions of this statute, a fourth DUI in Colorado can be filed as a Class 4 felony,...
Shimon Kohn Pursues Justice for the Victims of Police Brutality
Police officers’ use of excessive force against suspects has become a prominent and important national controversy in recent years. While tragedies like the officer shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson and the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore...
Ignition Interlock Devices for DUIs in Colorado: Here’s What You Should Know
Ignition interlock devices – the systems that prevent people from driving when they alcohol in their systems – can be penalties of DUI convictions . In fact, when people have been ordered to have IIDs in their vehicles, they must fully comply with...
What Does it Mean to be a “Persistent Drunk Driver” in Colorado?
Not all DUI charges in Colorado are equal, and in some cases, people may be designated as persistent drunk drivers (PDDs), rather than simply drunk drivers. Who is a PDD? According to Colorado law, a persistent drunk driver is anyone who: Has more...
Penalties for Extraordinary Risk Crimes in Colorado
In light of our last blog that defined what extraordinary risk crimes in Colorado are, we thought it would be an apt time to point out just what the specific penalties for these offenses can be upon conviction. Extraordinary Risk Crime Penalties by...
Extraordinary Risk Crimes in Colorado: Here’s What You Should Know
When someone is convicted of a crime, that person is usually sentenced by the court to some penalty according to the classification of the offense (i.e., the class of the misdemeanor and/or felony charges associated with the conviction). If,...
Commercial Driver DUI: What You Should Know
In Colorado and every state in the U.S., the legal limit for intoxication for those with standard drivers’ licenses is 0.08 BAC (grams of alcohol for every 100 ml of blood). This generally means that, when traffic cops have probable cause to...
New CO Bill Proposes DNA Testing for 8 Misdemeanor Convictions
A bipartisan bill that is currently making its way through the Colorado legislature may make it mandatory to conduct DNA testing on those who are convicted of eight misdemeanor offenses in the state. Sponsored by Rep. Dan Pabon, D-Denver, and Rep....
Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 3)
Ending our blog series Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know, below, we will reveal a few more crucial things you should be aware of when it comes to criminal statutes pertaining to driving and marijuana intoxication. Additional Important...
Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 2)
Picking up from Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1), here, we will uncover some more essential things you may need to know about marijuana intoxication and driving, according to Colorado state statutes. Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws:...
Colorado Marijuana DUI Laws: 6 Facts to Know (Pt. 1)
Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances like alcohol and drugs is against the law. However, how the law treats alcohol DUIs versus marijuana DUIs in Colorado can be different, and understanding just what these differences are can be...
How Much a First Colorado DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 2)
Proceeding from How Much a First Colorado DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 1), below, more of the financial impacts of a first-time DUI conviction in Colorado will discussed. While the first part of this blog series focused on the court costs of DUIs, here,...
How Much a First Colorado DUI Can Cost (Pt. 1)
Colorado DUI Cost - It's Expensive! When facing DUI charges for the first time, people are often focused on whether or not they will have to go to jail. While incarceration is certainly a valid worry with any criminal case, what fewer people may...
6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops (Pt. 3)
Ending our blog series 6 Facts to Know about DUI Stops, here, we will reveal some final crucial facts to know about these types of traffic stops. More Crucial Facts You May Want to Know about DUI Stops Fact 5 – Whether or not you end up having a...