Colorado Springs Traffic Lawyer
Colorado Springs Traffic Lawyer to Fight Your Traffic Ticket!
We have worked with numerous drivers in Colorado that wrongly assumed that speeding tickets and other traffic violations are basically not worth their time, effort, or expense to fight. In addition, we have actually managed to help numerous clients save money by avoiding the exorbitant penalties and fines associated with moving violations and speeding tickets.
Furthermore, if you fail to fight your traffic ticket, you can expect a sizable increase on your next car insurance bill – guaranteed.
Did you receive a traffic ticket in Colorado Springs recently? If so, you should seriously consider hiring an experienced Colorado Springs traffic attorney to fight the charges for you. Simply, call us to discover what options are available.
You need a lawyer with the skills and experience to help you make the most of your situation and I believe that we can truly be of help.
You Can Lose Your License With Multiple Traffic Violations
With any traffic violation you always face the possibility of license suspension, excessive fines, being forced to go to traffic school, higher insurance rates, and possibly even jail time. Fortunately, all these are situations that can be easily mitigated if you have the right lawyer representing you.
Why You Need an Experienced Traffic Lawyer
We are experienced Colorado Springs traffic attorneys who can help you to lower fines and points against your license. Often, we can make it like the traffic violation never happened.
We can help you dispute any traffic violations that you might have received in the courtroom and if necessary, ensure fair negotiations for a lesser charge.
Did you fail to appear in court for your hearing? If so, the state will issue a bench warrant. The good news is that you can count on us to help you clear that up. In addition, we’ll help avoid an embarrassing arrest before your family and friends.
If the traffic ticket is not your first traffic offense and you are a repeat offender, your license may be suspended. In fact, in Colorado, all it takes to lose your license is 12 points. I can help you fight for your rights and make sure that the hearing goes in your favor. Furthermore, if you contest your ticket in court, it is possible to prevent your insurance rates from blowing up!
Do You Plan on Disputing Your Charges Using A Traffic Lawyer?
A traffic violation lawyer can help you diminish the effects of a serious traffic infraction. Whether it is a minor or major charge that has been brought against you, I can fight for you to help dispute the charges in court.
Lesser traffic violations are handled outside the courtroom with a court appearance only needed if you plan to dispute the charges against you. For example, with the more serious charges you will most likely face a judge.
A good lawyer will help you dispute the allegations raised against you and ensure that you get a fair hearing if you think your traffic ticket was unfair.
Traffic violations lawyers such at The Kohn Law Firm actually find many of our cases from persons that have simple moving violations. Oftentimes, such cases may include several different infractions such as running red lights, reckless driving, speeding over the limit, or a number of other potential violations.
Let Us Fight on Your Behalf!
If you are facing a traffic ticket or some other traffic violation, you really have just 2 options. For instance, obviously, is to pay the fines and in doing so, you admit and accept your guilt. The second option is to allow an experienced lawyer, help you fight the ticket and work to get the fines and penalties eliminated or dramatically reduced.
Of course, the best course of action will ultimately depend on your personal circumstances and how the charges are likely to affect your driving record. In reality, it is always advisable to hire the best Colorado Springs traffic lawyer to represent you.
Do you want to fight that traffic ticket? If so, you will may have to face a judge and present your case to the corresponding court where you are assigned. Above all, Having an lawyer representing you will help you with the best legal representation to get your case resolved.
Let us handle your traffic ticket. You don’t need to plead guilty or even pay all those unnecessary fines that may end up tarnishing your record. Chances are good we can either eliminate or dramatically reduce the fines and penalties.
At this point, you have nothing to lose – and everything to gain – by contacting us for a free case review.
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Contact Shimon Kohn Now!