Assault Attorney
Accused Of Assault In Colorado Springs?
If you are convicted of an assault crime in Colorado Springs, the punishment can be severe. Excessive jail terms, fines and even years of parole can be part of an assault conviction. For these reasons alone you need to take the charges very seriously and hire the Best Assault Defense Attorney in Colorado Springs.
Assault Charge Under Colorado Laws
Under Colorado law, assault involves the infliction of bodily harm upon another person. These charges are categorized in three levels, or degrees, with third-degree charges being the least serious and first-degree charges being the most severe.
As the seriousness of the crime increases, so do the penalties.
Third-degree convictions may result in up to two years in jail while first-degree convictions may result in up to 16 years in prison.
However, crimes categorized as being in the third-degree are considered misdemeanors. This means that even in the case of a conviction, defendants do not lose the right to own a gun or forfeit other rights. Additionally, sentences for misdemeanors are served in county jail as opposed to a state prison.
Regardless of the severity of the penalties, having a skilled Colorado Springs Criminal Lawyer is important for those wishing to fight their charges.
Misdemeanor Assault Attorney
The experience and dedication of the Colorado Springs criminal defense attorneys at The Kohn Law Firm may help reduce or eliminate misdemeanor charges by presenting detailed defenses based on the language of Colorado’s statutes.
For example, a third-degree assault is defined as an act in which a person “knowingly or recklessly” causes bodily harm to another. By demonstrating that a defendant did not know he or she was causing harm, a criminal defense lawyer may help reduce or eliminate charges. Additionally, other more general defenses, such as denial of right to counsel, may be applicable in certain cases.
We Have Many Years Of Experience Fighting Assault Charges
The Kohn Law Firm has an experienced assault attorney on staff and will work toward elimination or reducing the severe penalties that can result from an assault charge.
In the case of an assault misdemeanor defense, our dedicated representation may help obtain an outcome defendants can live with. Getting an experienced misdemeanor defense attorney early in the process is important, and The Kohn Law Firm has the Colorado law insight to help clients fight their criminal charges. Contact a Colorado Springs Misdemeanor Assault Defense Attorney at The Kohn Law Firm for a consultation today.
At The Kohn Law Firm, you have a legal champion truly dedicated to your defense.
Book your FREE consultation HERE today by contacting The Kohn Law Firm at 719-328-9555, or after hours at 719-641-6704.
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