Here are the DUI crackdowns CO authorities have planned through the end of 2015.

Here are the DUI crackdowns CO authorities have planned through the end of 2015.

Although the end of 2015 is fast approaching, Colorado authorities still have a few statewide DUI campaigns planned for the month of December, according to officials at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

And these DUI enforcement efforts are currently scheduled to run as follows:

  • Friday, Dec. 4th to Monday, Dec. 14th – This is the “Office Holiday Party” DUI campaign, which is being spearheaded by the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and being supported by at least 54 local law enforcement agencies.
  • Thursday, Dec. 24th to Monday Jan. 4th – This is the “Christmas and New Year’s” DUI crackdown. Reports for authorities’ plans to support this effort are still pending, though it’s expected that this period will see the same turn out as the Thanksgiving DUI crackdown, when more than 100 local authorities backed CSP’s efforts.

Additionally, CDOT has noted that at least 20 local law enforcement agencies – including the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) – will be stepping up their DUI enforcement efforts for the entire month of December, running saturation patrols with grants from the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (LEAF).

6 Facts Motorists Should Know about Colorado DUIs

Knowing that Colorado cops will be especially vigilant about arresting allegedly impaired motorists over the next month, here are some important DUI facts that all drivers in Colorado should be aware of:

  1. During a DUI stop, you have the right to refuse field sobriety testing without facing any automatic penalties.
  2. BAC test refusals in DUI stops will result in an automatic driver’s license suspension.
  3. Exercising your right to remain silent, especially if you are asked about whether you have been consuming alcohol, can be pivotal to not giving police more possible evidence against you during a DUI stop.
  4. If you are placed under arrest for alleged drunk driving, you have the right to call a lawyer.
  5. Colorado DUI arrests will result in two cases against the accused – the criminal case with the court and the administrative case with the DMV. Accused individuals who are serious about favorably resolving DUI cases will need a solid defense in both cases.
  6. The single best way to bring a Colorado DUI case to the best possible resolution is to contact a Colorado Springs DUI lawyer at Kohn Law Firm

Contact a Colorado Springs DUI Lawyer at Kohn Law Firm

If you have been charged with drunk driving in Colorado, a Colorado Springs DUI lawyer at Kohn Law Firm is ready to aggressively defend your rights and help you bring your case to a successful resolution.

At Kohn Law Firm, we always strive to provide our clients with exceptional service, ethical treatment and the strongest possible defense.

To learn more about how we can help you, set up a free initial consultation with us by calling us at (719) 328-9555 or by emailing us using the contact form at the top of this page. From our offices in Colorado Springs, we represent clients throughout the Pikes Peak region and Colorado.


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